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Fredericksburg, Virginia, USA Proyect Participation

The Leeland Station property lies adjacent to the Virginia Railway Express (VRE) line and transit stop, approximately 5 miles northwest of downtown Fredericksburg, Virginia. The greenfield site once held a Confederate encampment during the Civil War and still has a few remaining cemeteries. Predominately wooded, with topography ranging from steep slopes to rolling hills, the property is bordered by the VRE line to the North and a conventional subdivision to the South. Located an hour and twenty minutes by train from Washington, DC’s union station, the site has great potential to serve as home to commuters looking for an alternative to the traffic and congestion of the I-95 corridor of Northern Virginia. The plan for Leeland Station integrates a range of civic, commercial and residential uses within close proximity to the existing commuter VRE rail station. The plan preserves the existing streams and wetlands and exceeds the county’s mandated requirements, preserving 33% of the property as open space. The master plan for the 329-acre Leeland Station property proposes 2,073 residences, 169,000 sq ft of commercial space, a variety of civic and community buildings, and numerous parks, greens and squares.